Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Busy but now we're back!!!!!!

It's been a while since we last update our blog. Sorry peeps, due to our busy schedule and projects we were not able to update then. Now were back and like what the last post said we will be posting pics of our laminated carbon fibre table soon enough. We did a few furniture for our clients mainly like stools, plastic chairs and side tables.....If you are intreasted in laminating your furniture do drop us a message, and remember we not only do cars, motorbikes,trucks but also your FURNITURE.......   :)

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

What's next.....

What's NeXT for DiZy arts??
Well we have a couple of new ideas that we wanna try, but before we embark on that journey ,I have to ask, what do you think of laminated Carbon Fibre furniture???? Not sofas or bed frames but small side table or computer chair etc, etc. The concept of Carbon Fibre furniture has been around for quite sometime but due to the fact that most of them are highly priced and not a lot of people are willing to fork out that money. It's a concept, you actually like it or you don't. If you happen to read this post, do tell me of what you think about CF furniture. Personally I find it cool and if there are people who are intreasted in doing then let us know and we can Work something out.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Is laminating Carbon Fibre easy???

Our kit comes with all instructions and a video link, you can call us also if you've encounter any set backs. The kit is made for anyone who is willing to give DIY a try, it is simply to use, even a 12 year old can use it, but with proper guidance that is. I WILL NOT GURANTEE that your first DIY project is gonna turn up like it came from a professional workshop, expect to make mistakes when you first try it ( I'm not gonna lie saying a lot of wonderful things ), with more practice I'm sure any project you undertake will look good eventually.I would say that the level of laminating Carbon Fibre would be easy to medium, it actually depends on what you're laminating. It will get a bit messy and it will get a bit dusty but if you enjoy DIY it's just a small price to pay after you've seen how easy laminating can be and what you can achieve with our laminating kit.

Carbon Fibre Stickers or Laminating Carbon Fibre kits.

3M came out with a very nice Carbon Fibre sticker I must say. A lot of people are wrapping their car bonnet or hood with it, not a bad idea actually when it comes to pricing and minus the hassle of doing it yourself. Stickers will be stickers, no matter what you say about it, it won't change the fact that it is still a piece of paper printed on with graphics and a adhesive back-side. What comes with our kit is actually Real Carbon Fibre Fabric, yes it's like a piece of cloth. The end product is totally different from what you'll get from the stickers. Stickers will wear out or tear and in some worst case scenario it will peel of by itself due to the weather, and I've seen some car owners with sticky engine hood cuz they've just peel out their worn, beaten out and torn stickers. Replacing it with another round of Carbon Fibre stickers will probable set you back another $70-$120??? If this is the second time you're wrapping your hood then you've just spend $240 ( I assume ) all together. I'm not saying by laminating you won't be having problems, you will but the problems are easily rectify by yourself or by us, which ever way you want it to be done. Not only you'll end up with a real carbon fibre look you'll also eliminate the problems you'll face with wrapping it with stickers. Why I said this is because I've wrap my whole car with matt black sticker by myself, of course with the help of my friends. I've encountered a lot of problems with it, well maybe I wasn't really sure on how to wrap my whole vehicle, but when there's a small tear on the sticker, you better re-wrap that part cause when air or water gets in, it'll be really, really messy.

Why Laminate???

The question when we first started this project was, " no money buy real Carbon fibre is it"???....then my answer will be "Yes". So DIY laminating is another affordable way for me to get that REAL Carbon fibre look without burning a hole in my wallet. Carbon Fibre is used for weight reduction in a car but come on let's face it how fast do you wanna travel in Singapore with the laws being so strict on speeding.
Laminating the items on your car won't improve the weight of your car but you'll get that nice Carbon fibre look anyway. Seriously the cost is also cut into half, all you need is time and a bit of paitence.
You can get ready made Carbon Fibre products from any auto shop or your local bike shop but some of the ready made stuff really look awfull and cheap looking, (and some shops really charges you an arm and a leg for these Carbon fibre products.) some people mind and some people don't mind about the look, We actually do mind cause it really makes your car or bike looks cheap. The idea of laminating items is another alternative to buying ready made ones, but then again some people don't like the idea of DIY and some people actually enjoy DIY project like we do. Too sum it all up, laminating is for cosmetic enhancement of your vehicle or household items and for those on a budget you can try it with our kits.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

What is Carbon FIbre

Carbon Fibre is a material of extremely thin fibres about 0.005-0.010mm in diameter and composed mostly of Carbon atoms.

Carbon Fibre fabric :
Carbon Fibre fabric is actually Carbon fibre that is that is twisted together to form a yarn, which maybe use by itself or woven into a fabric.