Friday, December 17, 2010

Carbon Fibre Stickers or Laminating Carbon Fibre kits.

3M came out with a very nice Carbon Fibre sticker I must say. A lot of people are wrapping their car bonnet or hood with it, not a bad idea actually when it comes to pricing and minus the hassle of doing it yourself. Stickers will be stickers, no matter what you say about it, it won't change the fact that it is still a piece of paper printed on with graphics and a adhesive back-side. What comes with our kit is actually Real Carbon Fibre Fabric, yes it's like a piece of cloth. The end product is totally different from what you'll get from the stickers. Stickers will wear out or tear and in some worst case scenario it will peel of by itself due to the weather, and I've seen some car owners with sticky engine hood cuz they've just peel out their worn, beaten out and torn stickers. Replacing it with another round of Carbon Fibre stickers will probable set you back another $70-$120??? If this is the second time you're wrapping your hood then you've just spend $240 ( I assume ) all together. I'm not saying by laminating you won't be having problems, you will but the problems are easily rectify by yourself or by us, which ever way you want it to be done. Not only you'll end up with a real carbon fibre look you'll also eliminate the problems you'll face with wrapping it with stickers. Why I said this is because I've wrap my whole car with matt black sticker by myself, of course with the help of my friends. I've encountered a lot of problems with it, well maybe I wasn't really sure on how to wrap my whole vehicle, but when there's a small tear on the sticker, you better re-wrap that part cause when air or water gets in, it'll be really, really messy.

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