Friday, December 17, 2010

Is laminating Carbon Fibre easy???

Our kit comes with all instructions and a video link, you can call us also if you've encounter any set backs. The kit is made for anyone who is willing to give DIY a try, it is simply to use, even a 12 year old can use it, but with proper guidance that is. I WILL NOT GURANTEE that your first DIY project is gonna turn up like it came from a professional workshop, expect to make mistakes when you first try it ( I'm not gonna lie saying a lot of wonderful things ), with more practice I'm sure any project you undertake will look good eventually.I would say that the level of laminating Carbon Fibre would be easy to medium, it actually depends on what you're laminating. It will get a bit messy and it will get a bit dusty but if you enjoy DIY it's just a small price to pay after you've seen how easy laminating can be and what you can achieve with our laminating kit.

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